Double Minded - Decisions

Scripture Reading - James 4:8 KJV

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

In our everyday life we have plenty of opportunities to be “double minded”. When we (ihlcc) are referring to “double mindedness” in regard to “decisions” we are speaking on a second type of “double mindedness” that is different from speaking words that conflict with your confession of faith. The second meaning of “doubled mindedness” is simply “doubt”. This “doubt” we (ihlcc) are speaking of is when you second guess yourself. Yes, “second guessing” is the appropriate term because that is all it really adds up to be. A guess that something you are going to do or have already done could be better if you chose a different path or make a different decision. Dear, beloved saint of God, know you not that your Heavenly Father watches over you and He is always there to keep you, protect you and help you. Does not the Lord guide you daily in your walk of faith? So what good is there in “second guessing” God’s ability to help you make the right decisions in life exactly when they are necessary? The goodness of God is with us constantly so please understand that the Holy Spirit was sent to lead you into all truth. The Holy Spirit was sent to guide you into all righteousness when doing God’s Will, so know that He (The Lord) is never forgetful or tardy. The only time the Holy Spirit stays silent in your decision making is when you don’t allow Him a voice (when you consistently refuse to acknowledge God in all your ways, like the ungodly). The Holy Spirit was sent from God’s Throne to help you in governing the throne of your heart, so never “second guess” His participation in your life. Therefore, you are blessed and highly favored right now and forevermore. Since you are in Christ Jesus you cannot make a decision that is unknown to God for He Is omnipresent and omniscient. So as long as you are patient in your decision making you can rest assure the decision is good with yourself and generally it is good (accepted) with God when you follow peace and God’s Word. Notice we said God’s Word and peace because if everything is right you will have both at the same time. The peace of God is God’s Witness that you are doing the right word of God (specific to your situation) at the right time. Yes, we all have made decisions outside of God’s Wisdom which we do show some regret but those decisions are clearly revealed to us the moment we understand the error. However, realize at the time you made the decision in some cases you just didn’t know any better. If you did know what to do and you did the wrong thing then simply understand the right decision would have yielded better results. Thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ that His Blood cleanses you from all sin, so how much more does His Blood cleanse you from all mistakes? Like I heard a man of God said, “I never make mistakes”. We (ihlcc) would expand on that statement by saying “I don’t make mistakes because I don’t fabricate the works of the devil”. What this statement means is that the origin of mistakes is found once the individual sees the future result of a decision and/or action which caused a problem for someone else or problems for many people down the road. At the time of the decision this information was not known because the person was in darkness. Since we don’t create darkness and mistakes are a by-product of darkness we cannot create mistakes. All saints are children of light so we can create light to overcome darkness but for sure the children of darkness create mistakes and manifest the works of darkness. True believers don’t intentionally make problems for others, we do however sometimes have an error in good judgment that will be corrected when a better decision is identified (when light comes to us). We (ihlcc) know that was a mouthful, so we will state it again in another light. Christians don’t create mistakes no more than true Christians want to do wrong (sin). No, the simple truth is the results of man’s fall opened the door for bad decisions to be made by all carnal men due to darkness (lacking light, lacking God’s thoughts, lacking the knowledge of God’s Way) which resulted in problems for all mankind. So it is our goal in life as Christians to undo all the works of the devil, which means if a problem (mistake) was created we immediately clean it up in the Name of Jesus. Yes, we all have sinned and fallen short of God’s Glory but it is good to know that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses (erases) our errors, mistakes, guilt and sins completely because that is what the Blood of Jesus is supposed to do and His Precious Blood has never failed once. So be glad dear child of God and rejoice in the fact that you are “single minded” in Christ which basically means you eat, sleep, drink and speak God’s Word. We purify our hearts before God by speaking His Word only because speaking solely God’s Word keeps all darkness out. When darkness is removed we have clarity of thought to light a clear path unto salvation in Christ Jesus. A divided heart produces a divided mind which gives place to “double-mindedness in decisions”. Therefore, when you are thinking about life’s decisions be “single minded” constantly believe that you are making good (sound, solid) decisions and go to sleep on that fact because you have your faith in God, not your own intelligence or wisdom. Doing this consistently will keep you from being “double minded” about possible solutions because you will realize there is only one way, The Way, The Truth, The Light, The Life Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.